We focus predominately on the healthcare industry. Our clients range from large healthcare systems, to physician partnerships, to cutting-edge genetic researchers, and even other law firms looking for specialized healthcare co-counsel. We are versed on federal and state healthcare laws, and provide legal guidance and representation on a wide variety of regulatory and transactional matters.
privacy, hie & hit
We are recognized at the state and national level for our experience with privacy laws, health information exchange (HIE) and health information technology (HIT). We advise some of the most sophisticated organizations in the nation on these areas of law. Our attorneys are fully versed on HIPAA, HITECH and 42 CFR Part 2, Meaningful Use, among many other federal and state laws that can affect the selection, implementation and use of HIT, or participation in an HIE.
business transactional
In the end, all of our clients are running a business. Fortunately, the attorneys at Oscislawski LLC are also versed on corporate law, and have significant experience with a wide variety of business transactions. We assist our clients with everything from forming new business entities, to preparing governance documents, to negotiating many different types of deals and arrangements.